Liability insurance for your automobile covers damage that your car may do to other cars, people, or other property in an accident. Collision insurance covers damage sustained to your car in a collision with another vehicle or object. But what about everything else? There are more ways that you can sustain damage to your car than just hitting another car or object. That’s where comprehensive coverage comes in.
As the name implies, comprehensive insurance covers all damage to your car from events other than collisions, including if your car should catch fire, if it is damaged in a natural disaster like a hurricane, if it is hit by a falling object, if it is vandalized or stolen, or if it is damaged by hitting an animal.
If any of these events occur, your comprehensive coverage will cover the damages up to the limit of your coverage or the total value of your car. As with collision coverage, if the cost of repairs exceeds the total value of the car, you will receive replacement cash value for the car instead.
It’s also important to note that in most cases, if you wish to purchase collision insurance, you will need to have comprehensive insurance as well.
As with collision insurance, you will want sufficient comprehensive insurance coverage to cover the total value of your car. Another point in common with collision coverage is that your main decision will be to opt for a lower premium and a higher deductible or the reverse.
As there is no real way to predict when your car might be vandalized, stolen, damaged in a natural disaster, or experience some other covered event, you will have to make a determination on your own about how likely it is you will have to pay that deductible and how often. If you think it is unlikely, you are usually better off opting for a higher deductible and a lower monthly premium.
For comprehensive auto insurance in Missouri such as Washington, Villa Ridge, Eureka, Union, St. Clair, and the surrounding areas, the company to contact first is always David Pope Insurance Services, LLC. We are a family-owned firm that has been providing low rates and great auto insurance policies to Missourians for over 15 years.
Our network of carriers and expertise in putting together policies means we are in a great position to find you the lowest possible market rate for your auto comprehensive insurance. If you are planning on adding comprehensive to your liability insurance and considering collision insurance as well, that lower rate can really help you stay within your budget while allowing you to feel fully protected.
We respond with quotes fast, often the same day. So if you need great comprehensive auto insurance for your vehicle fast, contact us online today and we will be right back in touch with you to get you the quote you need.