Rental Car Insurance in Missouri & The Midwest
Whenever you rent a car, the agent at the counter will likely try to persuade you to purchase a variety of insurance coverages. He or she will warn you that if you don’t add the insurance, you could be on the hook for any injuries, damage or losses that occur. What many renters don’t know is that, in many cases, their personal vehicle policy also provides rental car insurance coverage — which makes it unnecessary to buy a rental car insurance policy from the agency.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the rental car insurance coverages the agency will offer — and whether you should consider purchasing them:
- Collision and theft: The rental car agent might push you to buy collision and comprehensive insurance, which protects against damage you may cause to the vehicle or if it’s stolen. Adding this coverage can double your daily or weekly rate. However, if you have this coverage on your personal policy, it will transfer to a rental car. If you don’t have it, the credit card you use to rent the car will probably provide it. If either of these situations applies to you, consider declining the agency’s coverage.
- Liability: All vehicle owners in Missouri must carry liability insurance that covers damage or injuries they cause to others. This coverage also transfers to a personal car rental. The agency will probably offer you supplemental liability insurance, which you may only need if you don’t own a car or if you have low liability limits on your policy.
- Stolen property: What happens if someone swipes your personal property from your rental car? If you have homeowners‘ or renters’ insurance, the coverage for these items will likely extend to your rental, which means you won’t have to purchase the agency’s coverage.
- Medical: The rental car agent may try to sell you personal accident insurance to cover injuries you or your passengers incur due to a wreck in the rental car. However, if you have personal injury protection (PIP) coverage on your auto policy, you won’t need to buy the accident insurance at the counter.
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When Does Buying Rental Car Insurance Make Sense?
Consider purchasing the rental company’s insurance if you don’t want to be on the hook for the deductibles — the amount you pay out of your pocket — from your personal coverage, or if you don’t wish to use your own insurance. Of course, if you don’t own a vehicle and have no insurance, you’ll need to buy full-coverage rental insurance at the counter.
Contact David Pope Insurance Services, LLC to Learn More About Rental Car Insurance Coverage
If you live in or near Missouri cities such as Washington, St. Clair or Union, the knowledgeable professionals at David Pope Insurance Services, LLC can help you understand your rental car insurance needs. You can trust our more than 20 years of auto insurance experience to steer you in the right direction. Contact us for more information and a no-obligation quote today.